Instrument Rating
Why an Instrument Rating?
Earning your instrument rating is said by many to be the best thing any pilot can do. The ability to fly in the clouds is nice but the real value is in the ability to use the whole aviation system to it full potential. Not only will this make you a much better pilot, your insurance company will most likely reward you with lower premiums, too.
What’s needed?
1. Hold at least a Private Pilot Certificate
2. Be able to read, speak, and understand the English language.
3. Obtain at least a Third Class FAA medical certificate.
4. Pass the FAA written knowledge test as well as the FAA practical flight test.
Flight training
It consists of the following (some of which was obtained during the Private Pilot training):
50 hours of cross-country flight time as pilot in command (PIC)
10 hours must be in an airplane
1 solo cross-country of at least 250 nm with takeoffs and landings at three different airports, and three different kinds of approaches
40 hours of actual or simulated instrument flight time including
15 hours of instrument training from an authorized instructor
3 hours of instrument training from a CFI-I in preparation for the practical test